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What is Addyi Used for?

Addyi was created in 2015 as an effective treatment for Female Sexual Dysfunction. Addyi is a treatment created using flibanserin and has been branded as female Viagra. Regardless, Addyi has entirely different effects on the women who use it due to being made with a different active ingredient. Addyi is primarily used to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).

HSDD is a female sexual dysfunction (FSD) and arguably the most common one at that. The condition is characterised as the loss of desire. Women with this FSD have trouble thinking about and fantasising about sex. What is supposed to be a pleasure instead can become more of an obligation, making it difficult to even become aroused. Some women even lose desire in the middle of intercourse.

Until somewhat recently, Addyi, the first treatment for HSDD, has only been available via prescription from your local pharmacy, and even then, patients would have a hard time convincing their doctors to provide one. That is not the case anymore, as online pharmacies like ours can help you attain the treatment without a prescription.

How Addyi Works?

The active ingredient in Addyi, flibanserin, is a non-hormonal, multifunctional serotonin agonist antagonist (MSAA). Studies show this treatment functions by correcting the chemical imbalance in the brain that usually causes HSDD. A chemical imbalance refers to the brain having either too much or too little of specific neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are called chemical messengers, each having a different role in the central nervous system.

The neurotransmitters are how the central nervous system communicates with other cells in the body and are a large part of how we perceive the world and emotions. As such, users could experience different conditions depending on which neurochemicals are out of balance. Chemical imbalances can be caused by several social and environmental factors, possibly causing several conditions, including depression, anxiety, addiction, bipolar disorder and, of course, HSDD.

Addyi fixes the chemical imbalance by increasing the production of dopamine and norepinephrine while decreasing serotonin levels which can lower sex drive. Dopamine is the reward chemical improving motivation, mood and movement. Along with norepinephrine, which is related to arousal, among other things, these chemicals help users regain their sex drive, along with a general sense of well-being.

Available Addyi Dosage

The standard dosage strength for Addyi is 100 mg of flibanserin. It also comes in a few lower dosage strengths, including 25 mg and 50 mg. However, there are no higher potencies than the standard. Clients are also advised never to go above 100 mg as it could increase the chances of side effects appearing while also increasing their impact.

Lower dosage strengths may not be as effective as the standard, but there are several reasons to use them. The standard dosage strength is also the highest possible potency Addyi comes in. Some users may find this a bit too powerful, at least when initially using the treatment. In these cases, users should temporarily switch to a lower dosage to allow their body time to adjust to Addyi.

Breaking the tablet in two is an option, but it is not an exact science, and it may be difficult to judge precisely how much Addyi you are using. Instead, switching to a lower dosage and slowly raising the potency over time would help users accurately monitor how quickly their body adjusts to the treatment.

How to Take Addyi?

Take a single dosage of Addyi daily directly before going to bed. Avoid using it during the day, as Addyi is known to cause its user to feel very sleepy, to the point where it could be debilitating. When administering, it would be best to ensure that you have nothing you need to do and will not need to get up after going to bed. We also advise users to keep at least 8 hours reserved for sleep because healthy sleeping habits could also improve their sex life.

Users can have the treatment with or without food. If, for whatever reason, you miss a dose, do not double the dose the next day. Merely skip it, and continue using the medicine daily as normal. Double dosing would significantly increase the chances of side effects appearing. Although the side effects are generally reasonably well-tolerated, double-dosing will not help users "catch up". It will only cause unnecessary discomfort.

Storage is also an important part of using the treatment. Inadequate storage could cause the medicine to lose its effectiveness long before its expiration. To help your Addyi retain its effectiveness, keep it away from excess heat, moisture, and direct sunlight. If you have children or pets in your home, ensure they cannot reach your Addyi, as it is purely meant for adult use.

How Long Does Addyi Last?

Addyi usually takes about 4 weeks before users start to see any results. Some have noticed changes in as little as 2 weeks, but we generally advise users to take it for at least 8 weeks. Suppose you do not see any improvement or changes after 8 weeks. In that case, stop using Addyi and speak to your doctor regarding an alternative solution, like lovegra.

While using Addyi, we advise users to also attempt to correct certain lifestyle habits that could have caused the chemical imbalance. Changing these habits may also help restore the chemical imbalance itself, allowing Addyi to display better results more quickly. Simply having a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and looking after your mental health, would make a massive difference in your personal and romantic life.

In addition to improving your overall well-being, you could practise the Kegel exercise as a more direct means to improve your HSDD. Perform Kegel by tightening your pelvic floor muscles for 3 to 5 seconds, then releasing for again 3 to 5 seconds. Repeat this process 10 times, and perform the exercise 3 times daily. Doing this regularly will improve sexual function, making sex a more intense experience.

Is Addyi Safe?

Yes, Addyi is a female sexual dysfunction treatment that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It received its approval in August 2015 after being put through rigorous tests and reviews. This process consists of 12-phases that take place over several months. The first 4 steps are different stages of clinical testing.

Any medicine that makes it past this stage would need to be perfectly safe for its users and effective in its purpose. The FDA will then start looking at other related factors, like the legal requirements of the label and the manufacturing facilities. Only once the government-related organisation has confirmed that everything lives up to its sanitary and quality standards will the medicine be given FDA approval.

However, that does not mean that it can be used recklessly without consequence. The treatment was only clinically tested for adult women who have yet to go through menopause. It should not be used by men, children, or post-menopause women. Women who use it should also avoid taking it with other substances, like alcohol.

Learn About Addyi Side Effects

Addyi side effects, although well-tolerated, could be somewhat uncomfortable, which is why we advise users to follow the dosage and usage guide. Closely following this guide would significantly reduce the chances of experiencing any side effects, and in the rare cases that they still appear, it will be with diminished impact.

The most common side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth

If users follow the dosage guide and take the treatment before going to bed instead of during the day, these side effects would not affect their ability to function. They will have long disappeared by the time you wake up. Nevertheless, if the side effects are potent enough to annoy you, consider switching to a lower dose until your body is better adjusted to using Addyi regularly.

The side effects can also be remedied with certain medications. Still, users should check out the patient information leaflet before treating any side effects with medicines. This page will contain a complete list of treatments that could interact with Addyi, resulting in severe side effects. As severe side effects would require medical attention, we recommend taking every precaution to avoid them.

Why Buy Addyi Online?

Although you could buy Addyi from your local pharmacy, why would you when they turn it into such a tedious and expensive process? Just getting a prescription for this uncontrolled substance already takes several hours out of your day while requiring consultation fees. At this point, you still only have a prescription and have yet to pay the aggressively marked-up prices the high street sells it by.

Fortunately, online pharmacies like ours service the entire EU, allowing clients to avoid these unnecessary hassles. Through us, clients can simply place an order through an internet-connected device, and we will have your parcel sent to you within 4 to 7 days. If you live in the UK, the wait is even shorter, only 2 to 4 working days instead. No need for a prescription or any documentation.

We even take extra measures to protect client confidentiality. This allows clients to have their parcel sent to their work address if it suits their needs better. Containers are packed by us before being sent out with a third-party courier company. The packaging is unlabelled and sensible, ensuring that nobody could guess its contents at a glance. We even use a discreet descriptor name that will appear on the delivery waybill in case it needs to go through security.

Research Before You Buy Addyi UK

Addyi can be bought from several online pharmacies, including us, but not every company on the internet is trustworthy. If you were to do business with a rogue operator, you might receive a fake or counterfeit product. To avoid this, there is a relatively easy way to gather all the information you will need about the site and product to discern if they are trustworthy or not.

The reviews are words written by previous clients who want to share their experience with the product and the service they received. All reviews are relevant and can help you make a decision. However, the number of stars an item has might not accurately reflect what you could expect from using the site in question. We recommend reading through a few comments, as it offers a more in-depth understanding of what you can expect from us.

The reviews are more than just the perfect page to gather more information and help you decide whether or not to trust the product. It helps form a community where clients, future and past, can help each other make a decision. You can also be part of that. Consider leaving a review on Addyi or any of our sildenafil-based treatments after trying it out yourself. You never know how much your words can help someone.

Buy Addyi Online in the UK

To buy Addyi from us, click on it in the list of products our homepage displays. Doing so will take you to its product page, where you can choose how many packs you need and add them to your cart. The more you select to add to your cart, the more significant a discount you can expect. This is all thanks to our bulk purchase discount system offering users even better rates on our already affordable medicines.

When you have finished shopping, head to the checkout page where you can pay with Bitcoin, MasterCard, Visa and bank transfers. We will then process your payment, pack your parcel, and have it sent out with our partnered courier company. To confirm that your order was processed successfully, we will send you an email containing all information relevant to your delivery, including the estimated delivery date.

If you have any further questions, please contact our 24/7 customer support centre. They are available via live chat, email and our 24-hour customer hotline.

Use our site,, to place an order for Addyi today and fight back against HSDD.

Last Reviewed: 19th March 2024
Next Review Due: April 2025

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